I deliver my SUSHI to Homes, Businesses, Schools, Sports Clubs & Farms within a 40 mile radius of my Home-Kitchen in East Grinstead

My “Order More, Get More” Loyalty Program

The name I have given to my “Loyalty Program” says, precisely that…”Order More, Get More”. I will allocate “Loyalty points” to you for every £1 of Sushi ordered from SueShi. Once your total surpasses a certain value (Tier) I will increase the number of points allocated to you, per £1 of Sueshi Ordered.

As soon as the total value of your orders matches or exceeds a certain value (Tier) you will be able to redeem the total number of points earned in that Tier against any new orders you place. The same system applies to the next Tiers.








Order Total

1 to £200

£201 – £500

£401 – £600

£600 – £800
£801 – £1000
£1000 +

Points per £1 Ordered

10 Points

12 Points

14 Points

16 Points

18 Points

20 Points

Your Loyalty Number consists of 9 characters

The first digit, the S which simply stands for Sueshi

The next 3 Digits tells you what your MOR is

The last 5 Digits is your unique Loyalty Number

Loyalty Program Information

1 Loyalty Point = 1 Pence

My Program works on annual cycles, starting from the Date you Signed-up.

All Points earned over the first Year (Cycle), must be Redeemed by the End of it.

To earn Points, you must enter your Loyalty Number when ordering online.

All Special Offers and Promotions do not Qualify for Points

Want more Points…here is how you can earn them

Combine the orders of Family, Friends, and Colleagues, with yours

Order SueShi for your Club, School, Office, and Parties/Functions and earn 500 points

Refer new customers to me and earn 500 points on their first Order

Give Sueshi Vouchers to People you care about and get Rewarded for it

Write a SueShi Google Review and earn 500 Points for making the Effort

Transfer your Facebook Review to Sueshi Google Reviews and earn 500 points